09cupcrni-a yield strength manufacturers
Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
High strength wear-resistant steel plates are used in mining equipment, cement machinery, metallurgical machinery, construction equipment, ship equipment, electrical equipment, port equipment, transportation and general machinery manufacturing industries. High strength wear-resistant steel plates are used by more and more enterprises because of their excellent wear resistance and the convenience of processing and using. The company has sufficient stocks of high strength wear-resistant steel plates, 09cupcrni-a yield strength with complete varieties and specifications.
5mm 6mm hot rolled thin plates product 09cupcrni-a yield strength inventory: 5*3000*8000, 5*3000*8400, 6*2800*9390, 5*2800*11880, 6*2614*7050, 5*3000*11650, 5*3000*9900, 5*3000*8300, 6*2854*8200, 5*2790*10500, 6*2854*9680, 5*3000*8800, 6*2854*7480, 6*2614*9250, 5*2990*10470, 5*3000*8600, 6*2800*9390, 6*2854*8500, 5*2990*10400, 5*2990*9000, 6*2854*6480, 6*2854*6800, 5*3000*7550, 6*2854*9390.
Flat steel is a kind of steel with rectangular cross-section and blunt edges at the edges and corners. It is usually 12-300 mm wide and 3-60 mm thick. Compared with 09cupcrni-a yield strength ordinary steel plate, the utilization rate of flat steel is increased by one to five percentage points. Moreover, flat steel can be produced with fixed thickness, width and length according to the user's requirements, which saves the cutting process for users, reduces the consumption of labor and materials, and also reduces the processing loss of raw materials, saving time, labor and material.
After-sales service team is a key department to test the steel quality. Product quality is always the foundation of our survival and development. The company's full inspection from raw materials to finished products; and implements standardized, scientific, and strict internal quality control and management systems in accordance with the process flow during the production process; products can only leave the factory if qualified, and follow-up problem solving systems are implemented in after-sales services to guarantee the customers’ interest.
Since its establishment, the company has participated in several key railway and highway projects. After years of development, the company’s 09cupcrni-a yield strength domestic market has been exported to more than a dozen provinces and cities including Kunming, Shenzhen, Hunan, Sichuan, Shanghai, Nanjing, Heihe, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang . International trade is exported to Kazakhstan, South Korea, Vietnam, South Africa and many other countries, and has been well received by customers.