09CuPCrNi-B steel manufacturer with reasonable price
Steel production and rolling technology and equipment also pursue the continuity between processes, such as the continuous 09CUPCRNI-B steel manufacturer process between continuous casting and rolling mills, continuous casting slabs hot transfer hot charging, increased direct rolling, and continuous cold rolling processes. The development of controlled rolling and controlled cooling technology that combines rolling and heat treatment has played a huge role in improving the properties of rolled materials.
Plate 20 to 30mm thick 09CUPCRNI-B steel manufacturer product: 20*1400*11400, 20*2100*7000, 20*2500*6200, 20*2933*7300, 20*3200*4400, 20.9*2851*7000, 21*2100*8810, 21.5*1630*13480, 22*3400*13000, 23.1*2590*7790, 25*1950*10150, 25*1950*9700, 25*2100*8400, 25*2100*8650, 25*2400*11600, 25*2400*8200, 28*2170*13000, 30*1600*10720, 30*1600*8600.
We are mainly engaged in corrosion-resistant steel materials and steel processing parts, the varieties include 09CUPCRNI-B steel manufacturer Q355NHB, Q345NS, 09CuPCrNi-A,coten-A/B,S355J0W, Q345qNHB. The application fields involve landscape gardening, outdoor structure, environmental protection equipment, railway carriage, bridge manufacturing and many other industries. The company currently has many steel extension processing capabilities such as laser cutting, bending, rolling, welding, pipe making, and surface treatment.
Thank you for visiting the website of BBN Steel and affording us the opportunity to become your preferred vendor of 09CUPCRNI-B steel manufacturer. Our team strives to lead our peers in providing value-added services and support to our clients throughout the world. We look forward to welcoming you to come and visit our factory.