hot sale 09CuPTiRE-B mill with state of the art manufacturing facility
hot sale 09CuPTiRE-B, Hot-rolled steel coils are made of steel billets, which are made into strip steel by the rough rolling mill and the finishing mill after heating. The hr steel strip from the rolling mill behind the finishing rolling is cooled to a set temperature by laminar flow, and then coiled into a steel coil by the coiler. The cooled steel coil will undergo different processes according to the different needs of users, and is processed into steel plates, flat coils and slit steel strip products.
Tempering the important hot sale 09CuPTiRE-B welding structure often use high temperature tempering to remove residual weld stress. Classification: high temperature tempering above 400 ℃, medium temperature tempering 250 ~ 400 ℃, low temperature tempering 150 ~ 250 ℃, Quenching +Tempering is improve hot sale 09CuPTiRE-B strength, plasticity and toughness.
In 2019, hot sale 09CuPTiRE-B, crude steel production in North America was 120 million tons, down 0.8% year-on-year, among which crude steel production in the United States in 2019 was 87.9 million tons, up 1.5% year-on-year. The crude steel output of the CIS countries in 2019 was 100.4 million tons, down 0.5% year on year.
After adding phosphorus, copper, chromium, nickel and other trace elements to the steel, a dense and highly adherent protective film is formed on the surface of the steel, which hinders the spread and development of rust and protects the substrate under the rust layer to slow down its corrosion rate. The amorphous spinel-type oxide layer with a thickness of about 50μm-100μm formed between the rust layer and the substrate is dense and has good adhesion to the substrate metal.